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Hydration Facial

What is Hydration Facial?

At Chi Spa Massage & Bodyworks Studio in Luquillo, Puerto Rico, we are elated to present our signature Aesthetic Treatment Hydration Facial. This invigorating service ventures deep into the skin, leveraging a nutrient-rich enzyme peel to effectively eliminate undesired accumulations such as oil, toxins, dirt, and bacteria.

Our regimen extends beyond just cleansing. The facial hydration treatment is meticulously crafted to rejuvenate and invigorate, imparting a luminous vibrancy to your skin. With every session, our devoted therapists are committed to addressing pivotal skin concerns like hydration and nourishment, ensuring you leave with a refreshed and harmoniously balanced complexion.

Hydration Facial in Puerto Rico

Duration: 60 min

Our Aesthetic Treatment Hydration Facial is a 60-minute session priced at $100. To book this rejuvenating experience, you can either give us a call or use our appointment reservation form. Experience the best facial for hydration right here in Puerto Rico.

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Benefits of Hydration Facial

At Chi Spa Massage & Bodyworks Studio, our hydration facial transcends the conventions of a typical cleanse. It's an immersive experience, meticulously crafted to unveil the utmost potential of your skin. By delving deep into the dermal layers, we not only cleanse but also rejuvenate with our nutrient-rich enzyme peel. This treatment accentuates hydration, nourishment, and balances the skin's natural ecosystem, all while ensuring a gentle touch without the need for any extractions.


Deep cleansing eliminates unwanted skin elements.
Our specialized enzyme peel revives, offering a rejuvenated appearance.
Holistic approach to ensure skin hydration, nourishment, and balance.
Absence of extractions guarantees a gentle, yet impactful treatment.
The result? A skin transformation that radiates vibrancy and health.

Your Hydration Facial Experience

1. Arrival & Welcome
2. Personalized Consultation
3. Pre Hydration Facial
4. The Hydration Facial Experience
5. Post Hydration Facial
6. Departure & Recommendations
1. Arrival & Welcome

Begin your journey in the serene ambiance of Chi Spa Massage & Bodyworks Studio.

2. Personalized Consultation

Discuss your skin concerns and desired outcomes with your therapist.

3. Pre Hydration Facial

A preparatory step to ensure your skin is ready for the treatment.

4. The Hydration Facial Experience

Dive deep into rejuvenation with our signature enzyme peel.

5. Post Hydration Facial

Our therapists ensure your skin is calm and nourished post-treatment.

6. Departure & Recommendations

Part with insights and tips for maintaining your radiant skin.

Hydration Facial Home Care

After experiencing the transformative hydration facial at Chi Spa Massage & Bodyworks Studio, the journey to radiant skin continues at home. The immediate 24 hours post-treatment are pivotal. We strongly advise against exposing your freshly treated skin to direct sunlight during this period. Instead, indulge in gentle skincare routines; utilize a soft cleanser and ensure you apply a moisturizer that complements your skin type, locking in the hydration and nourishment.

As the days progress, it's imperative to shield your skin from potential irritants. Avoid the temptation of using harsh chemicals or abrasive exfoliants. Prioritize hydration, not just topically but internally too; make it a habit to consume ample water daily. This internal hydration coupled with external care forms the foundation for enduring skin health. Remember, diligence and consistent care pave the path to lasting luminosity.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Hydrating your face restores moisture, ensuring the skin remains supple, radiant, and healthy. It also helps prevent premature aging and skin issues.

A hydration facial is a specialized treatment focused on replenishing the skin's moisture levels, utilizing specific products and techniques, ensuring deep hydration and rejuvenation.

Chi Spa Massage & Bodyworks Studio in Luquillo is the premier destination for the best facial hydration treatment.

A hydration facial balances the skin's moisture, prevents dryness, enhances elasticity, and promotes a healthy, youthful appearance.

The treatment begins with deep cleansing, followed by a nutrient-efficient enzyme peel, personalized skin consultation, the actual hydration process, and post-treatment care.

This facial rejuvenates the skin, rids it of toxins and unwanted buildup, provides hydration, nourishment, balance, and leaves the skin vibrant and refreshed.

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